
vip@zglcrm.cn 400-060-0068

STABLE One-stop automated warehousing equipment

●Business purpose

Looking back on the past and looking forward to the future, Sitebo still takes integrity and innovation as its corporate purpose and continues to strive to establish a Chinese shelf brand.Thought determines the height, and integrity creates the concept of the brand.

●Corporate philosophy

The company adheres to the corporate philosophy of "pioneering and enterprising, honest service, and winning with quality." It expresses the pioneering and innovative thinking and perseverance of the Stebo people.

●Corporate culture

Work carefully, carefully, and more carefully;

Be humble, humble, and humble again;

Work hard, work hard, work harder;

If you do something simple a thousand times and nothing happens, it's not simple.

It’s not easy to do something easy a thousand times without making mistakes.

●Management Thoughts

Simple and healthy

Use simple management methods to seek business operation methods to achieve healthy survival purposes.

●Enterprise spirit

Practicality, innovation, hard work, and dedication are the entrepreneurial spirit of Stebo. It inherits history, focuses on the future, and improves each other. It always inspires Stebo to strive to realize the grand vision and sacredness of the enterprise in an unconventional and leap-forward development way. duty of!

+86(10)-57794990 / 57794760 138 0102 0776 / 137 0126 4023 vip@zglcrm.cn 公司:一、大興區華遠春和路50號院14-2-83-84 二、河北滄州青(qing)縣經濟開發區南區1 工廠:青縣(xian)經濟(ji)開(kai)發區(qu)(qu)南(nan)區(qu)(qu)北二(er)環路中央大街西側
專屬定制 歡迎咨(zi)詢 思特博貨架(jia)為每(mei)一(yi)位尊貴的(de)客人(ren)提供(gong)高端的(de)專屬定制服務。填寫下表(biao)格,我(wo)們將會有專屬服務顧問與您聯系。

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微信號:138 0102 0776